About Us

As part of the C&MA movement world-wide, the Chinese Alliance Churches Union (UK) was formally established in the UK in 1998 as a national body for Alliance work among Chinese.

We recognise that in Great Britain, the Chinese is a neglected minority and who are ever more in need of Jesus. Therefore, we are recruiting suitable missionaries to start church pioneering work in major cities of Great Britain, with a view to developing indigenous and mission orientated churches for the Chinese.

Our purpose is to build the Church of Jesus Christ as a movement of mission and spiritual revival so as to honour God and extend His Kingdom here and everywhere, according to the theological tradition of the world-wide Christian & Missionary Alliance Movement.
Our key objectives :
(1) To initiate, develop and support mission projects both locally and world-wide, primarily in partnership with World Alliance Fellowship.
(2) To maintain Biblical standards on member organisations and churches through supervision in matters of Christian doctrines and church organisation.
(3) To promote and foster fellowship and support among member organisations and churches and world-wide Alliance family of churches.

Our Churches

Manchester Alliance Church

Manchester Alliance Center, Unit 9, The Quadrangle, Hulme Street, Manchester, M1 5GL

In English at 11:15am – 12:15pm on Sunday
In Cantonese at 5:30pm – 6:45pm on Saturday
In Cantonese at 9:30am – 10:45am on Sunday
In Cantonese at 1:00pm – 2:15pm on Sunday

Manchester Alliance Church (Trafford)

Avenue Methodist Church, Wincham Road, Sale, M33 4PL

In Cantonese at 10:30am – 11:45am on Saturday
In Cantonese at 11:30am – 12:45pm on Sunday

Manchester Alliance Church (Warrington)

Holy Trinity CofE Church, Market Gate, Sankey St, Warrington WA1 1XG

In Cantonese at 10:00am – 11:15am on Saturday
In Cantonese at 2:00pm – 3:15pm on Sunday

Manchester Alliance Church (Cheadle Hulme)

Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church, Ramillies Avenue, Cheadle Hulme SK8 7AL

Sunday Worship
In Cantonese at 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Manchester Alliance Mandarin Fellowship

Manchester Alliance Center, Unit 9, The Quadrangle, Hulme Street, Manchester, M1 5GL

Sunday Worship
In Mandarin at 10:45am -12:45pm

Crewe Alliance Church

Community Hall at St. Barnabas Parish Church, West Street, Crewe, CW1 3HY

Sunday Worship
In Cantonese at 1:30pm – 3:00pm

North Nottingham Alliance Church

Acacia Centre, Acacia Ave, Annesley Woodhouse, Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 9BH

Sunday Worship
In Cantonese at 11:00am

Milton Keynes Alliance Church

Brooklands Community Sports Pavilion, Countess Way, Brooklands, Milton Keynes, MK10 7HN

Sunday Worship
In Cantonese at 10:00am – 11:30am

South London Alliance Church

Enhanceable Centre, 13 Geneva Road, Kingston Upon Thames, KT1 2TW

Sunday Worship
In Cantonese & Mandarin at 10:30am -12:00pm
In Cantonese at 2:00pm – 3:00pm

East London Alliance Church

Deptford Methodist Church And Mission, 1 Creek Road, London,SE8 3BT

Sunday Worship
Joint communion worship on first Sunday of the month 2:00pm-3:30pm 

Other Sundays
In Mandarin at 2:00pm – 3:15pm
In Cantonese at 3:30pm – 4:45pm

Leeds Alliance Church

Blenheim Baptist Church, 2A Blackman Lane, Leeds, LS2 9ER (next to University of Leeds)

Sunday Worship
In Cantonese at 1:45pm – 3:00pm
In Mandarin at 3:45pm – 5:00pm

Brighton Alliance Church

Saunders Park Rise, Brighton, BN2 4EU

Sunday Worship
In Cantonese & Mandarin at 1:30pm – 3:00pm


Job Opportunities

Current Job Openings shown as below:


(1) 英國華人宣道聯會現增聘半職傳道一名,負責米頓堅宣道會青少年事工;應聘者須符合英國工作資格,具神學學士或碩士學位,能操廣東話及英語。有興趣者, 請繕履歷及蒙召見證, 電郵至president@cacuuk.org 給趙牧師。截止日期為2025年2月3日。



(2) 英國華人宣道聯會 (簡稱’華宣’) 秉承宣道會精神,致力在英國各地開荒,向未信群體傳揚福音,並凝聚及推動信徒,參與普世宣教工作。現華宣誠邀傳道牧者加入華宣隊工,成為全職受聘合約同工,在有龐大香港移民的城填開荒植堂,應聘者須持神學碩士或神學學位,及已具備在英居住及工作資格,有興趣者請電郵履歷及蒙召見證,致president@cacuuk.org



Manchester Alliance Church

The Rev. Wai Chor Chiu 趙偉初牧師 (Minister-in-charge)
The Rev. Luis Alberto Sanchez Piedra (Mission)

The Rev. Pandora Li 李萍牧師 (Counselling Service 輔導服務)
The Rev. Louis Yeung 楊嘉駿牧師 (Trafford 德福分堂)

The Rev. Florence Wong 黃智敏牧師 (Cheadle Hulme智道謙分堂)
Pastor Winson Chan 陳志鵬傳道 (Warrington 沃靈頓分堂)
Pastor Benjamin Cho 曹嘉宥傳道 (Youth Ministry 青少年事工)

Voluntary Pastors:
Pastor Paul Siu 蕭寅平義務傳道
Pastor Alan Ho 何志堅義務傳道

Tel: +44 (0) 161 236 8324
Email: info@manallch.org


Manchester Alliance Mandarin Fellowship
Contact: Pastor Tak Shun Lee 李德信傳道, Dr Daniel So 蘇嘉俊博士
Tel: +44 (0) 7523923715
Email: info@mamcuk.org


Crewe Alliance Church
Advisory Pastor 顧問牧師: The Rev. Wai Chor Chiu 趙偉初牧師
Contact: Pastor Wilson Hung 洪偉信傳道
Tel: +44 (0)7493874018
E-mail: crewe.alliance.church@cacuuk.org

North Nottingham Alliance Church
Advisory Pastor 顧問牧師: The Rev. Wai Chor Chiu 趙偉初牧師
Tel: +44 (0) 7473131612
E-mail: nottingham.alliance.church@cacuuk.org

Milton Keynes Alliance Church
Contact: The Rev. Yiu Kee Nathaniel Law羅耀基牧師
Tel: +44 (0) 7455 720628
E-mail: info@mkac.net

South London Alliance Church
Contact: The Rev. Sam Wai Lung Sham 岑偉農牧師
Tel: +44 (0) 208 6171433 , Mobile: +44 (0) 7738532318, +44 (0) 7832093044
E-mail: ukslac@gmail.com

Leeds Alliance Church
Contact: The Rev. Andrew Wing Hong Wong 黃永康牧師
Tel: +44 (0) 7842 200756
Email: admin@leedsallch.org.uk

East London Alliance Church
Contact: The Rev. Tai Ming Pang 彭大明牧師
Tel: +44 (0) 7717893113
Email: info@elac.org.uk

Brighton Alliance Church
Advisory Pastor 顧問牧師: The Rev. Tai Ming Pang 彭大明牧師
Contact: Mr Philip Wong 黃國輝宣教士 & Ms Mabel Tong 唐美寶宣教士
Tel: +44 (0) 7454344307
Email: brightonallianceccc@gmail.com

Hong Kong Alliance Mission

Christian And Missionary Alliance (USA)

Chinese Alliance World Fellowship