The Northern Gospel Big Pot Event – October 2018

The Chinese Alliance Churches Union held its Northern District Gospel Big Pot Dinner on the 24th October 2018 at Manchester. The event was organised jointly by the Leeds Alliance Church, Manchester Alliance Church and Manchester Alliance Mandarin Fellowship.  We had over 40 participants. The brothers and sisters in the catering team did a fantastic job of preparing several delicious Big Pots for the event. We give thanks to our Lord for this wonderful event where we can share and care for each other, especially the elderly. We are also very happy and blessed to have met and shared with new friends too.

On a chilly autumn day, we all had a joyous gathering full of love and warmth, filled with singing and yummy food! Praise be to God!

Annual Conference & AGM – May 2018

The Union’s annual conference and AGM took place at the MAC centre in Manchester in May 2018. A fantastic opportunity for brothers and sisters from different member churches to gather together to get to know each other and spend time sharing news from their ministries.

Our guest speaker for our Annual Conference was Reverend Wong 黃茗楷牧師 sharing his message with us on “舉目向田”.

The Annual General Meeting went smoothly where brothers and sisters approved and voted on the Union’s 2017 financial accounts and budgets for 2019.

We say goodbye to sister Alice Lau from South London Alliance Church, as she resigns after two years as one of our Union Director and as Union Treasurer for 2017-18. We thank her sincerely for her time and effort serving in the Union Committee.

Five directors were re-elected for 2018-19;

  • Kirsty Chau (SLAC)
  • Kiu Fai Tung (MAC)
  • Steven Liem (MAC)
  • Seabert Ma (LAC)
  • Ping Ping Sii  (LAC)

And a very special welcome to Ko Kin Ming (SLAC) in joining the Union Committee as director for 2018-19. Our new Treasurer for 2018-19 is Kirsty Chau.


We give thanks to our Lord for the blessings of having these brothers and sisters working  harmoniously together in doing his work.


Spring Retreat – March 2018

Spring Retreat Conference at Cloverley Hall Shropshire in March 2018
Spring Retreat Conference at Cloverley Hall Shropshire in March 2018

The Union held its first Spring Retreat Conference this year over the Easter weekend.  Praise the Lord , over 100 people participated over this  3 days event at  the beautiful Cloverley Hall Christian Centre in Shropshire.

This event gave many brothers and sisters from the different member churches a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with each other. We were very grateful to have Dr  Wan as our speaker , sharing 4 messages with us. We also give thanks to the team of short-term  missionaries from Hong Kong North Point Alliance Church , who helped us with looking after the children during the event.

We thank the brothers and sisters for their time and effort in organising this event. Undoubtedly many brothers and sisters feel spiritually enriched. We  also know that the Lord’s seed is planted in those who were not yet believers and in time they will grow into fruitful spiritual trees to bear witness to our Lord.

Our guest speaker Dr Wan

Dr Wan’s messages are captured on videos and can be accessed here